In aerobatics, all manoeuvres stem from just a few “prime” figures and the loop is probably the most important of these since it is most prevalent. Even a Stall Turn (Hammer Head for our colonial cousins) incorporates a quarter loop at entry and exit. If you are to succeed in aerobatic competitions, it is therefore essential that you master the prime figures
The Judging Criteria for a Loop:
- It is a wind corrected figure and must appear round from the judges perspective
- It must be on axis
- It must be vertical, i.e. not tilted to one side.
- The end point should be exactly where the loop started horizontally and vertically.
- If loops are flown too close they will be difficult to judge and should be downgraded both in the positioning score but also in the figure score. Similarly if the loop is positioned exactly in front of the judges on the B axis so that the shape cannot be judged, it should be downgraded.